Songs I Love Sunday #2

    This morning while I was cooking breakfast, Pandora's playlist was so good I almost added another course just to keep listening. Here were some of the gems of the day...

Perfect since it was Sunday morning, and it's a bonus that it's one of my favorite songs by them

Always been one of my favorites : )

I sang this song to AL as a lullaby. The line "Cause I've never had so much to lose" would usually make me cry. Kids are the most humbling things in the whole world, and until them, I had never known a love as moving and as deep as I have for them : )

These guys are my new obsession!!! I've been very disappointed in music lately, and these guys were like a breath of fresh air : )

This was the theme of my weekend, but instead I fell asleep snuggling with the babes. Tonight, I enjoyed a glass with 4:57... I'm going to blame day light saving time : )

Hope you're all having a great weekend : )