The only thing my galaxy doesn't make easier than my laptop is blogging. Something about the click of the keys is so necessary for me to do this. Their sound is so therapeutic, and without it, blogging just isn't the same. Before I was doing everything just from my laptop so while I was waiting for something exciting to happen on Facebook, I would come here and pour my heart and soul out. As much as I love my phone, I finally realized how much I needed this release. So here I am, and boy does this feel good!!!
When I first thought I really needed to get back to blogging, I thought maybe I should start a new blog. After all, it's been almost a year, and a lot has been going on here for us. Then I remembered why I picked this name anyways. We are always going to be changing! That's life, and to be completely honest I don't have anything more figured out than I did the last time I blogged so the name still totally applies! I guess until I become "person who's got it all together" this blog couldn't have a better name. I don't know if I will ever be that person so I hope you all are comfortable here with me while we figure out this crazy thing called life together!
It was reconnecting with the name of this blog that made me pull the laptop out tonight, and I'm so happy I did. Suddenly, the laptop doesn't seem like such a gigantic burden, and my soul feels lighter than it has in quite a while. I'm going to keep this post short and sweet, but I'm ready to get back up in the saddle! Thanks for being patient, thanks for hanging around, and cheers to figuring it out as we grow!
What have you figured out while I've been away???